Posts Tagged ‘Visualization’
Big Data Wave
The Big Data Wave visualization shows the continous development of technologies that are related to the term Big Data. Retrieving the commit history regarding changes, maintaining bug fixes, or new features was necessary to show the progress of each technology. All commits by contributors were displayed over time.
February 14, 2017 | Comments (0) | Category: Visualization
Big Data Technology Circle
The awesome community provides a curation of big data technologies. Comparing Big Data technologies in a radial view provides a consistent overall perspective about all collected technologies. Technologies like Spark, Hbase, or Hive are open source and use Git as their central repository to develop and maintain features.
February 13, 2017 | Comments (2) | Category: Visualization
25 Seasons in Dresden
“This was the coldest winter since 1970.” This statement is common headline of weather reports on TV news. The temperature are sometimes varying during the seasons in cities. But how can we visualize this phenomenon? The weather visualization represents the last 25 seasons in Dresden. A radial line representation was chosen to recognize repeating patterns of temperature similarities and differences within each month of the year.
January 12, 2016 | Comments (2) | Category: Visualization
Social Indicator Chart presented at the DWM Workshop Namur
The usage of design principles is the basis for the development of insightful data visualizations. In particular, the scalability of visualization was the topic at the DWM Workshop in Namur, Belgium. Design principles are not only useful for data visualization but also commonly used in advertising, illustrating complex content, and product design. The basic idea is always the same to shape an idea for clear communication. If you use design principles in your data visualization, you can figure out patterns, outliers, and eliminating noise of data.
March 12, 2014 | Comments (1) | Category: Visualization
Atomic Visualization of Serious Risk Products
When a product (e.g. a toy, a childcare article or a household appliance) is posing a serious risk to the health and safety of civilians it will be collected in a central rapid alert system (RAPEX) by the European Commission. The data visualization represents all collected products in 2013 and by clicking on one of the following tabs the products are displayed and structured based on a chosen attribute (e.g. country of origin or product category).
January 09, 2014 | Comments (0) | Category: Visualization
The Right to Forget
Google is collecting every removal request recieved from government agencies and courts around the world. The increasing number of removal requests is leaving a black hole in the world wide web. The developed bubble chart represents the collected removal requests by the Google Transparency Report. The analogy was a black hole to point out the increasing censorship in the world wide web but also to emphasize the need to remove content especially for defamation in the same way.
September 25, 2013 | Comments (1) | Category: Visualization
Talk about #BigData
Big Data is an upcoming trend to give people the technology for analyzing massive data sets. One major challenge is to get insight in unstructured data like twitter messages. The provided visualization summarizes the related tags around #BigData by an extraction process. During a period of collection between the 16.02.2013 and 11.05.2013 it is possible to discover short- and long-term conversations about a specific aspect of Big Data. You will see that highly used tags like #Cloud or #Analytics are enjoying a long conversation about the topic.
June 02, 2013 | Comments (1) | Category: Visualization
Flow of Cancer Statistics
The analysis of statistical data about cancer occurence is an essential task in epidemiology. It is important to identify risk factors in the early stage of occurrence. The challenge is that every cancer occurence must be analysed under different perspectives. Every occurence contains information about the age, gender, localization of the cancer (e.g. lung) and implication. Through this multidimensional view the visualization of cancer statistics must cover these properties simultaneously.
March 01, 2013 | Comments (13) | Category: Visualization
Network of the German Civil Code
A hand-made visualization was done to connect 2385 paragraphs of the German Civil Code by 1896. Every paragraph contains a number of references to other paragraphs. In the physical visualization each reference was visualized through red threads.
February 17, 2013 | Comments (10) | Category: Physical Visualization
Heatmap Discovery of the German Population
Germany is getting older especially in the forecast from 2015 to 2060. The heatmap shows the German population from 1992 to 2060. Through the use of this visualization technique it is possible to see patterns based on a table of data.